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Corresponding Secretary

Recording Secretary



Budget & Investment

Club History


Holiday Appeal

Hospitality Co-Chair

Hospitality Co-Chair

Interest Groups

Marketing & Public Relations



Philanthropy Chair


Program Co-Chair

Program Co-Chair


Social & Decorating


Kathy Farah

​Marianna Clay

Brenda McDonald

Karen Bennett

Deenee Coolen

Chris Tutsch

Marlene Mason

Marta Mendiondo

Meg Shaw

Kuniko Izumi

Terri Potter

Kuniko Izumi

Haroletha Klausing

Emily Martin

Marilyn Childre

Kuniko Izumi

Salli Blake


Norma Wirt

Greer Klesk

Susan Shoemaker

Sue Ann Hillman

Linda Yates

Beverly Buchanan

Select Standing Committees

Every UKWC member is eligible to serve on the Select Standing Committees. Membership on these committees is by appointment. The Club President shall appoint committee members for one year terms. By the end of the Club year, each committee selects a chair for the upcoming year, upon the approval of the incoming president. If you are interested in serving on one of the Select Standing Committees, or would like more information, please contact us at

Marlene Mason (Chair)

The Audit Committee meets about twice annually to provide due diligence by reviewing the financial records of the UKWC and submitting a written report to the President and Executive Board.

Budget and Investment:
Marta Mendiondo (Chair)

Sue Ann Hillman (Chair)

The Scholarship/Fellowship Committee shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, the Philanthropy Chair, and three At-Large Members. When selecting scholarship recipients, the Committee shall also include a representative of the UK Scholarship Office to serve in an advisory capacity.

The Budget and Investment Committee meets once or twice in February to review all budget requests, project income for the coming year, and prepare a balanced budget for consideration and vote, first by the Executive Board, and then by the full membership of the UKWC at a Luncheon General Meeting. The Committee also determines the amount available for scholarship awards for the next year. The Committee shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer and three Members-at-Large.


Club History: Meg Shaw

The Club History Committee preserves Board Meeting documents, newsletters, photos, photographs and the like which pertain to the Club. They are stored in the University Archives and Records Special Collections Research Center at UK Libraries.

Hospitality: Kuniko Izumi & Haroletha Klausing

The Hospitality Committee provides food and beverages at select Club events such as The Welcome Coffee, International Students’ Dinner, and New Member Tea(s).

Marketing and Public Relations: Marilyn Childre

The Marketing and Public Relations Committee arranges publicity through campus and local media outlets, monitors use of the UKWC brand and all marketing materials developed for the Club for public distribution, and oversees UKWC social media. It also monitors the website.

Membership: Kuniko Izumi

The Membership Committee promotes Club membership and mentoring of new members by familiarizing them with the activities and opportunities to become actively involved in the Club.

Newsletter: Salli Blake

The Newsletter Committee gathers information and issues the newsletters and email blasts that are our chief organ for communication with our membership. They also prepare the printed newsletters for mailing.

Program: Greer Klesk & Susan Shoemaker

The Program Committee determines a focus for the year’s luncheon programs, collaborates to select the speakers or performers, and ensures that presenters have necessary equipment at the venue for their presentations. They also welcome presenters to the events and introduce them to the membership.

Social and Decorating: Linda Yates

Various social functions and events of the UKWC require decorations that this group creates and installs at the location. Events include the Welcome Coffee, quarterly luncheons, and special events. Join us to enjoy the company of our creative members.

Philanthropy and Fundraising: (CURRENTLY OPEN)

The Philanthropy Chair will oversee the fundraising activities for the UK Woman’s Club, guide event chairs in the development and implementation of fundraising activities, and facilitate standard accounting procedures and reporting of financial results. Committee members will include all event chairs and other members interested in philanthropy efforts.


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